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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Regression
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the study

Tax revenue mobilisation as a source of finance for development initiatives in Nigeria has been a tough issue, owing to many types of opposition, such as evasion, avoidance, and other forms of corruption. These operations are seen as economic sabotage and are frequently cited as contributing to Nigeria's current condition of underdevelopment. Because the Nigerian economy is in recession, there are contradictions in our tax rules, making it difficult for the tax authority to administer and even for the tax payer to follow (Stoilova, and Patonov 2017) .

Chude and Chude (2015) asserts that THE federal government intended to maintain an unified tax structure, but the economic conditions of each state have allowed for difference. Thus, the most essential thing to remember is that taxes is intended to be a tool for social change, which it is not doing as well as it should in Nigeria right now. However, the impact of tax payment is not felt by the payee, and some do not comprehend some tax regulations, which has caused them to be doubtful and confused, and has surely led to others wanting to avoid and evade tax. To offer and sustain important services for its citizens, any contemporary state or nation requires a large amount of income. The imposition of taxes is a handy source of money for the government. Further more Chude and Chude (2015) observed that taxation imposed by the government is not a new phenomena. Nowadays, almost no government does not rely on taxation. Aside from the complexities that have crept into the taxation system in contemporary times, the purpose of taxes has ceased to be just for the creation of money for the state. It has also become a vehicle for wealth transfer and economic rebalancing.

As a result, Edame and Okoi, (2019) averred that the tax system is one of the most powerful levers at the disposal of any government for stimulating and guiding its economic and social growth. The FBIR (Federal Board of Inland Revenue) is entrusted with the authority to administer the act and carry out all acts deemed necessary and expedient for the assessment and collection of taxes, and shall account to the Federal Minister of Finance for all amounts collected. The Board has some reserved powers that cannot be delegated to anyone else, such as the right to purchase, retain, and dispose of any company's possessions in settlement of tax or any judgement debt, and to establish the forms of return claim and notifications. Direct and indirect taxes are the most common types of taxes collected. Direct taxes are placed on persons and factors of production, such as Personal Income Tax (PIT) and Capital Gain Tax (CGT). However, indirect taxes, such as import and export levies, are placed on products and services. As a result, the ultimate responsibility falls on consumers. Given that taxes is one of the most significant sources of income for the several tiers of government and a key source of financial support for the Nigerian government at large, it is critical that tax evasion and avoidance be avoided by all means possible.

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